POV Pix: Making Machinima in Second Life

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Deadline Extended

Miachinima competition; deadline prolongued
from Machinima.com: Making Movies in Virtual Reality
New deadline: 16 October, 24:00 hours

We noticed that some potential candidates were facing problems by making their film in seven days. So we decided to prolong the deadline with ten days.

Here is the final content criterium: �Your machinima must be an interesting reaction to a news event of international, national or local importance that happened no earlier than September 2006 and must clearly refer to it.�

Make a Machinima!
Holland Animation Film Festival, Mediamatic, Virma
29 September � 16 October (24.00 hrs)

Machinima is film made in the real-time 3D environment of a computer game.

Participants to this competition make a short machinima movie between September 29th and October 16th 2006 and upload it to a special page at GoogleVideo:
http://video.google.nl/machinima, before 24:00 hrs October 16th (Dutch time, i.e. GMT + 1 hr).

21 Films will be nominated by the jury and presented at the Holland Animation Film Festival preceding the award ceremony. The award ceremony is on November 2nd 2006 at the Holland Animation Film Festival in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

· A main prize of Euro 4,000 for the winner of the competition.
· Google Video offers a promotion page for one week to the artist with the most views on http://video.google.nl/machinima.
· An encouragement prize of free participation to a Mediamatic machinima workshop and an allowance for travel costs for the most promising filmmaker.

Beside looking at technical aspects the jury searches for good ideas in combination with smart ways of making machinima films.


Online communication:

Tips & Tricks:

The machinima competition has been made possible thanks to the support of the Mondriaan Foundation, Thuiskopie Fonds and Google Video.


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